The NFL has left its fans in an awful situation. The Ray Rice incident, and now the news that NFL executives were sent the tape of the assault by law enforcement officers, shows the league’s appalling disregard for anything except the bottom line.
To enjoy the football with an uncritical fervour, you now have to close your eyes to the glorification of violence on the field, the cover-ups of violence off the field and the devastating effects the game has on the minds and bodies of its players.
It was a bizarre contrast when, a day after the Rice video leaked, years of uncertainty for Buffalo Bills fans came to an end after a local billionaire bought the team and vanquished the threat of the team ever leaving the city.
The visceral outpouring from Bills fans – tears, fist-pumps, high-fives, lots of exclamation marks in Facebook comments – showed the deep well of goodwill the NFL is now in danger of squandering.
One Bills fan called in to a Buffalo sports radio show and, through a thick Dominican accent, said he had wept at the news. Since he’d moved to the city, the NFL had taken the place of baseball in his heart.
“[I’m] explaining to my daughter, hey, I’m crying but I’m not crying because I’m sad. I’m crying because you are going to grow up and see why Daddy used to scream and shout on Sundays,” he said.
Sports fans know that for every kindred spirit, there is someone bewildered that we care so much. How can you get so wrapped up in a game? The players just end up leaving anyway, so what are you going to do with that jersey? You know it’s just a game, right?
The Dominican guy managed to swap football for baseball so easily because they both satisfied the same need. Call it a juvenile distraction or a waste of time, but the NFL wouldn’t be so popular, and wouldn’t rake in billions in revenue, if there wasn’t something more there.
Put a 13-year-old kid at the dinner table with his dad and the teen won’t have much to say to him. Put them in front of a football game and something special happens.
Between plays you can offer something up, knowing there will be a distraction soon. You can test the waters of your relationship without the awkwardness of acknowledging what you’re doing. And if you have to bail, there’s always a middle linebacker biting on play action that you can both excoriate for a while.
The Ray Rice incident, and others like it, destroy this intricate fantasy we’ve built around a league full of violent men attacking each other for an hour.
At the website Jezebel, Erin Gloria Ryan wrote that “no matter how fun it is, how thrilling, if you’re a person who claims to care about women, watching the NFL is morally indefensible until something changes.”
Ryan has a point. An analysis of arrests shows that NFL players are particularly prone to domestic violence incidents.
“Relative to the income level (top 1 percent) and poverty rate (0 percent) of NFL players, the domestic violence arrest rate is downright extraordinary,” Benjamin Morris wrote on the website FiveThirtyEight.
The NFL has a massive problem on its hands and Morris even raised the idea that the league has a legal duty to police its players. There is no question it has a moral duty to do so.
Other sports leagues have problems but they are nowhere close to the scale of the NFL. The game is predicated on violence. An offensive lineman won’t get drafted if he doesn’t have violent, nasty tendencies on the field and a free safety won’t last long if he doesn’t lust for an open-field hit that knocks a receiver into next week. Every single play contains about a dozen incidents that would get someone arrested off the field.
Are we wrong to get so much joy from this morally indefensible league? Should we be obliged, by our conscience, to turn away? You could argue that if football were to be gone tomorrow, we’d find some new way to bond and communicate. We’d find something new to be passionate about. It’s tempting to think that football is just the vessel and that it can easily be replaced.
Those Bills fans, the ones who wept in their cubicles on a Tuesday morning when they found out their team wasn’t leaving its home, would disagree. Anyone tailgating at Ralph Wilson Stadium would agree there’s something special about the place.
But fans have to ask themselves: can we fix this? Can we cause a stink, get the NFL to clean up its act and still watch the game we love? Or, a more disturbing thought, is violence, mayhem and the very real threat that players are doing irreversible damage to themselves, an inherent part of the game? Or, even more disturbing, is that what makes it so entertaining?